Wednesday, February 28, 2024

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF — 生物战在行动 — 3. 第3章 – 美国爆发可疑疫情

 Biological Warfare in Action — 生物战在行动

    • Chapter 1  — Introduction                                                                     第1章—— 引言
    • Chapter 2 — US Domestic Projects and Experiments                       第2章——美国国内项目和实验
    • Chapter 3 — US Suspicious Outbreaks                                                第3章——美国可疑疫情
    • Chapter 4 — US Foreign Deployment                                                  第4章——美国海外部署
    • Chapter 5 — The WHO – Depopulation is Reality                             第5章-世界卫生组织-人口减少是现实
    • Chapter 6 — Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic                                  第6章——辉瑞公司对流行病把握的恰到好处
    • Chapter 7 — US Bird flu                                                                            第7章——美国禽流感
    • Chapter 8 — UK Foot and Mouth Disease                                             第8章——英国口蹄疫
    • Chapter 9 —  Italy’s Olive Trees                                                               第9章——意大利的橄榄树
    • Chapter 10 – Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks                                          第10章——最近的生物武器袭击
    • Chapter 11 – AIDS                                                                                      第11章——艾滋病
    • Chapter 12 – SARS                                                                                     第12章——非典型肺炎
    • Chapter 13 – MERS                                                                                    第13章——中东呼吸综合征
    • Chapter 14 – EBOLA                                                                                  第14章——埃博拉病毒
    • Chapter 15 –  ZIKA                                                                                     第15 寨——卡病毒
    • Chapter 16 – COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”  第16章——新冠肺炎疫苗和Oxitec的“飞行注射器”
    • Chapter 17 – Epilogue                                                                                第17章——尾声



生物战在行动 — 3. 第3章 – 美国爆发可疑疫情

BLarry Romanoff 拉里·罗曼诺夫著

译: 珍珠






3.1. Identifying Biological Warfare Attacks — 3.1. 识别生物战攻击

3.2. Project Bacchus – A Conspiracy Theory for you — 3.2. 巴克斯项目——你的阴谋论

3.3. Suspicious Outbreaks — 3.3. 可疑爆发

3.1. Identifying Biological Warfare Attacks — 3.1. 识别生物战攻击


We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren’t even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It’s called fifth-generation warfare. Source

我们正处于一场改变世界的战争之中。然而,这不是一场普通的战争。大多数 这场战争的受害者甚至无法将其视为战争,也不明白这一点 他们是这场战争的战斗者。这场战争被称为第五代战争。来源


In reading the following examples, I would ask that you keep in mind the treatise by Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek on the common signs used to identify a bio-warfare agent:



1- Disease caused by an unusual, rare,or uncommon pathogen, or an unusual strain of a common pathogen, indicating it was potentially genetically engineered — 由不寻常、罕见或不常见的病原体,或常见病原体的不寻常菌株引起的疾病,表明它可能是基因工程制造的

2 – Lack of an epidemiological explanation, i.e., no clear idea of source or origin — 缺乏流行病学解释,即不清楚来源或起源

3 – Unusual presentation or manifestation of the disease, i.e., race-specific — 疾病的异常表现或症状,即种族特异性

4 – Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution — 异常的地理或季节分布

5 – Multiple epidemics.Simultaneous outbreaks at different locations with the same organism — 多重流行病 在不同地点同时爆发同一种生物

6 – Reverse or simultaneous spread. Diseases typically occur first among a susceptible animal population, then spread to humans. If these two are simultaneous or if the human disease precedes animal infections, we can be suspicious — 反向或同时传播疾病通常首先在易感动物种群中发生,然后传播给人类。如果这两者是同时发生的,或者如果人类疾病先于动物感染我们就可以怀疑


According to the brief description above, there are a few recent disease outbreaks that would seem to properly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents. The first that come to mind are AIDS, SARS, MERS, US Bird Flu, US Swine Flu, China bird flu. China swine flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio, Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndromeand ZIKA. And COVID, if you’re inclined to think that way.

根据上面的简要描述,最近爆发的一些疾病似乎有资格成为潜在的生物战剂。首先想到的是艾滋病、SARS、MERS、美国禽流感、美国猪流感、中国禽流感。中国猪流感、汉坦病毒、莱姆病、西尼罗病毒、埃博拉病毒、脊髓灰质炎、口蹄疫、海湾战争综合症和寨卡病毒。如果你这么想,那么 COVID 也是。


3.2. Project Bacchus – A Conspiracy Theory for you

3.2. 巴克斯项目——为你准备的阴谋论


No listing such as this would be complete without a good conspiracy theory, and we are fortunate to have one. For background, Project Bacchus was an exceptionally secret project by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency intended to see if it were possible to construct a biowarfare facility – specifically to produce anthrax – “in a foreign country”, using off-the-shelf equipment and doing so without arousing suspicion or being discovered. It seemed obvious the CIA wanted to produce such facilities in foreign countries and disperse the anthrax, leaving the local government without a clue as to how it happened. However, the “official story” was that this was an attempt to learn if foreign terrorists on US soil might be able to accomplish such an effort. But, if this were really the case, there would have been no need for the extreme secrecy. [110] [111]

如果没有一个好的阴谋论,这样的名单就不会完整,我们很幸运有一个。背景信息是,巴克斯计划是美国国防威胁降低局的一个极其秘密的项目旨在研究是否有可能在“外国”建造生物战设施,特别是生产炭疽热,“使用现成的设备,这样做不会引起怀疑或被发现”。显然,中央情报局想在外国建造这样的设施并散布炭疽热,让当地政府不知道它是怎么发生的。然而,“官方说法”是,这是为了了解美国领土上的外国恐怖分子是否能够完成这项工作。但是,如果真是这样,就没有必要进行极端保密。 [110] [111]


In any case, the “scientists” did manage to find an abandoned building where they could work without scrutiny, and they did manage to build their mini anthrax factory and produce several kilograms of anthrax. Part of what turns this story into a conspiracy theory is all the inconsistencies in the story, and how the official narrative changed with each new discovery and revelation of details. Part of the initial story was that the scientists produced not a biological pathogen but merely a few kilograms of a harmless pesticide. [112]

无论如何,“科学家”确实设法找到了一座废弃的建筑,他们可以在这里不受审查地工作,他们确实设法建造了他们的迷你炭疽工厂并生产了几公斤炭疽。 这个故事变成阴谋论的部分原因是故事中的所有不一致之处,以及官方叙事如何随着每个新发现和细节的揭示而改变。 最初的故事的一部分是,科学家们没有生产生物病原体,而只是生产了几公斤无害的杀虫剂。[112]



The project was discovered and revealed by New York Times reporters Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William J. Broad. [113] Shortly after this, they published a book containing further details. The book, Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War that also covered Bacchus’ two sister projects, Clear Vision [114] and Jefferson[115]  which also came to light at about the same time. The book attracted much attention. [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] It is available for download on [121]

该项目是由《纽约时报》记者朱迪斯·米勒、斯蒂芬·恩格尔伯格和威廉·J·布罗德发现并披露的。[113] 此后不久,他们出版了一本包含更多细节的书。这本书《细菌:生物武器和美国的秘密战争》还涵盖了巴克斯的两个姊妹项目,《清晰视野》[114] 和《杰斐逊》[115],这两个项目也在大约同一时间曝光。这本书引起了广泛关注[116] [117] [118] [119] [120]  可以在archive.org上下载。[121]


This is where things become interesting. First, the original stated purpose would have to be fraudulent – the idea that “foreign terrorists” might be able to enter the US, build an anthrax factory, and distribute the pathogen among the population. It might as well be stated bluntly that a few disaffected Uzbeks with AK-47s and big ambitions might well be able to enter the US, find a suitable location, and maybe construct something, but how would they obtain the seed anthrax needed to begin production?You can’t make anthrax from sunshine and dandelions; you need the actual pathogen. Can you picture foreign terrorists walking into Fort Detrick and saying, “Good morning. We would like to buy a few pounds of anthrax, please.”? On the other hand, if they brought the seed anthrax with them, they would have no need to build a factory, would they? They needed only enough to mail a few letters. And if all I want to do is to poison a few US senators and the Editors of the New York Times, why not just mail the letters from whatever country I’m in?Why go to all the trouble and expense of coming to the US and building a factory for something I can conveniently do from my home in Geneva? And with much less risk. The original stated purpose may appear superficially plausible, but, with a bit of thought, the entire idea is ridiculous.



Project Bacchus ran in 1999 and 2000, and news of it escaped confinement and was revealed to the public on September 4, 2001. It was only a few days later that a series of letters containing anthrax spores were sent through the mail to various locations in the US, addressed to two senators, several news media offices, and various other public locations. The attacks resulted in five deaths, 17 illnesses and a nationwide scare.



Dr. Stephen Hatfill. Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit. Source



Naturally, the FBI launched an investigation into the attacks, which apparently became one of the largest and most complex investigations in the agency’s history. After a lengthy investigation, The FBI concluded that Dr. Stephen Hatfill, an American physician and biological weapons expert, was the sole culprit who perpetrated the attacks. He became the subject of extensive media coverage, he lost his job, his home was repeatedly raided, his phone tapped, he was apparently under surveillance for years. In 2008, after seven years of harassment, the government officially exonerated Hatfill of any involvement in the anthrax attacks and settled with a $5.8 million payment. [122] [123] It should be noted that the courts railed against the FBI for their incompetent and malicious investigation, saying that no one should have been subjected to such an obvious personal atrocity for seven years.



Dr. Bruce E. Ivins at work in the laboratory in 2001. Source



Having failed with Hatfield, the FBI then decided the culprit was Bruce E. Ivins, a scientist at AMRIID, the Fort Detrick source of all the highly-weaponised anthrax in the US. However, Ivins conveniently committed suicide before the FBI had a chance to prove their case or to indict him. [124] The “overdose of pain killers” is not as good as MOSSAD’s “surprise heart attack”, but we must work with whatever tools we have available. I should note here that apparent suicides are much too plentiful in the US whenever such an event would be politically expedient. Think of Gary Webb, who was about to reveal evidence connecting the CIA to extensive cocaine-dealing in the US, and who conveniently “committed suicide” a day before he was to reveal his evidence – the only man in history to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice. Or think of Steve Kangas, or Karen Silkwood. Or, for variety, think of Pat Tillman who was accidentally killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan. We don’t normally think of “friendly fire” as including three closely-grouped shots to the forehead at close range, but then this is America and maybe things are different here. [125]

在哈特菲尔德失败后,联邦调查局认定罪魁祸首是布鲁斯·E·艾文斯,他是德特里克堡所有高度武器化炭疽菌的来源AMRIID的科学家。然而,艾文斯在联邦调查局有机会证明他们的案件或起诉他之前就自杀了。[124]“过量止痛药”不如摩萨德的“突发性心脏病发作”,但我们必须使用我们现有的任何工具。在这里我应当指出,每当这种事件在政治上是有利的,美国显然自杀事件太多了。想想加里·韦伯他即将揭露中央情报局与美国广泛的可卡因交易有关的证据,他在揭露证据的前一天就“自杀”了——历史上唯一一个两次用枪自杀的人。或者想想史蒂夫·卡加斯或凯伦·西尔克伍德。或者,为了多样化,想想在阿富汗被“友军炮火”意外杀死的帕特·蒂尔曼。我们通常认为“友军炮火”包括近距离三次近距离射击前额,但这是美国,也许这里的情况有所不同。 [125]


The FBI investigators claim to have concluded that Ivins had the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the attacks, had been in possession of the various strains of anthrax used in the letters, and had a grudge against the United States government. But immediately, various scientists and media reporters dismissed the FBI claims against Ivins, stating they were not only inconclusive but possibly fraudulent. [126] [127] To make matters even more interesting, “it was determined that the spores in the letters were derived from a batch of the Ames strain of anthrax that had been created and maintained at USAMRIID”. Now we know where the “terrorists” obtained their seed anthrax for their factory.

联邦调查局调查人员声称已经得出结论,艾文斯有实施袭击的手段、动机和机会,并且拥有信件中使用的各种炭疽菌株,并对美国政府怀恨在心。但很快,许多科学家和媒体记者驳斥了联邦调查局对艾文斯的指控,称他们不仅没有确凿的证据,而且可能是欺诈行为。 [126] [127] 更有趣的是,“据确定,信件中的孢子来自美国陆军传染病医学研究所创建和维护的一批艾姆斯炭疽菌株”。现在我们知道“恐怖分子”从哪里获得工厂的种子炭疽菌。


Then, to assist in the “post-mortem” investigation, the FBI and the CDC gave permission to destroy the Iowa anthrax archive. This was not only described as “an enormous surprise”, but it served to make further investigation impossible since the crucial evidence had been destroyed. Of course, the case was then never solved. What a surprise.



The media and many people connected the anthrax attacks with 9/11, which served immeasurably to smoke up the room. However, a few others who were paying attention, made different connections. First, the actual scheme seems to have been an experiment to determine (1) if a small anthrax lab could be built in absolute secrecy, but more importantly (2) to disperse that pathogen and determine whether it could be traced back to that secret lab, or to Fort Detrick or Dugway where the seed originated. And that would require, despite the exposure by the New York Times reporters, the “terrorists” to still distribute those anthrax letters and see if the secrecy would hold. However, the public exposure of the plot required a change in plans – to find someone to blame. Thus, Hatfill and Ivins were chosen as the sacrificial lambs to take away the focus from the CIA and/or military – and Project Bacchus. And, for seven years, it seems to have accomplished precisely that: everyone forgot about the CIA and their mini-anthrax lab, and focused on two innocent men until the story was old news and no one cared any more. And the “suicide” provided closure to the story.


The conspiracy conclusion of course is that the CIA not only manufactured the anthrax but also distributed it through the letters. In case you are tempted to say, “They would never do that”, there is no shortage of real examples of the US government (and other governments) deliberately staging terrorist activities to further political aims. Think of Operation Gladio the US sponsored in Europe, causing multiple terrorist attacks, and killing a great many people, simply to frighten European populations into electing Right-Wing governments. [128] This is real, and there are many other such examples. You may recall Operation Northwoods[129] where the CIA wanted to fill an American airliner with college students on holiday, send the aircraft off-course near Cuba, shoot it down, then use that as an excuse to declare war on Cuba. It was only President Kennedy’s infuriation that prevented this from actually taking place. The US military, the CIA, and the US government establishment itself, have never had much hesitation in killing American civilians or anyone else if a desired political aim could be thereby achieved. That’s reality, and you have to live with it. I don’t know the truth of this, but it is certainly the kind of thing the US military and CIA would do, proven by the fact that they have done similar things on many occasions.

阴谋论的结论当然是中情局不仅制造了炭疽,还通过信件传播了它。如果你想说,“他们永远不会这样做”,那么美国政府(和其他政府)故意策划恐怖活动以实现进一步政治目的的真实例子并不少见。想想美国在欧洲发起的“格拉迪奥行动”,造成多起恐怖袭击,造成许多人死亡,仅仅是为了吓唬欧洲人民选举右翼政府。 [128] 这是真实的,还有许多其他这样的例子。你可能还记得“诺斯伍德行动”,[129]中情局想要让一架美国客机装满度假的大学生,将飞机驶向古巴附近的航线,将其击落,然后以此为借口向古巴宣战。这只是肯尼迪总统的愤怒阻止了这一切的发生。美国军方、中情局和美国政府机构本身,如果可以实现预期的政治目标,在杀害美国平民或其他任何人方面从来都没有犹豫过。这就是现实,你必须接受它。我不知道这件事的真相,但这肯定是美国军方和中央情报局会做的事情,他们多次做过类似的事情证明了这一点。

As further proof, let me remind you of the callous and obscene nature which has always pervaded the US government: Kodak’s discovery of radiation:





Kodak began receiving customer complaints about fogged film, the cause of which was quickly traced to corn husks from Indiana that Kodak used as packaging material for its film. A Kodak physicist discovered that all corn husks were heavily contaminated with radioactivity. After this, the US government agreed to secretly provide Kodak with advance information on all future nuclear tests, including “expected distribution of radioactive material in order to anticipate local contamination”. Unfortunately, the population were not provided with the same ‘advance notification’ as were Kodak’s corn husks, the people not being relevant to corporate profits. The victims now tell us, “In fact, the Government warned the entire photographic industry and provided maps and forecasts of potential contamination. Where, I ask, were the maps for dairy farmers? Where were the warnings to parents of children in these areas? The Government protected rolls of film, but not the lives of our kids. Why did they do that when they had all the information about hot spots and fallout, and yet they did not warn the people of this country about the dangers inherent in radioactive fallout? Why has the government withheld information until now?” It is reprehensible that our citizens were intentionally exposed to radioactivity and yet those who knew remained silent – even in the face of evidence that said if we provided treatment and information early, we might alleviate suffering or prevent diseases.” We really must pity these Americans who, despite the overwhelming evidence, cannot bring themselves to accept the truth that their government didn’t inform them of the radioactivity because they were the guinea pigs in the tests. The painful deaths of those millions of children were not accidents from above-ground nuclear tests; they were the purpose of the tests. [130]



Nevertheless, this is a good conspiracy theory. You decide.



3.3. Suspicious Outbreaks — 3.3. 可疑爆发

3.3.1. Hantavirus — 3.3.1. 汉坦病毒

The Ptinus fur beetle, also known as the Whitemarked Spider Beetle, alleged to be used as an insect vector for delivery of anthrax spores during the Korean War (picture from the report of International Scientific Commission, 1952). This Source provides shocking details and facts about the U.S. biological warfare campaign undertaken during the Korean War, and in particular, the use of anthrax as a biological weapon against China, which had entered the Korean War in late 1950.



In mid-1993, a strange disease emerged in the US, the infections concentrated in a four-state area. In this case, the virus appeared to attack only native Indians who developed sudden respiratory problems and were often dead within hours. [131] Most victims reported “not feeling well” one day, and were dead the next, from what appeared as a very mysterious pathogen with an undeterminable source.  “In his 30-plus years as a doctor, Bruce Tempest had never seen anything like it. A Navajo man having trouble breathing showed up at the emergency room of a small hospital in Gallup, N.M. Less than an hour later, he was dead. The man had been young, athletic and otherwise healthy. His fiancee had died days before, also from sudden breathing problems. Tempest remembers thinking “This is something different. It just doesn’t fit”.”



Then on September 10, 2012, the Los Angeles Times ran an article discussing the topic of doctors “still trying to diagnose mysteries of the Hantavirus” more than 20 years after this deadly pathogen was first identified in the US in 1993. [132]  But then, “a lucky clue” arose from a television viewer, a physician who stated this illness seemed very similar to that caused by a virus he had observed the US military using in Korea in the 1950s. And sure enough, tests proved the illness to be caused by a variation of the same Hantavirus that attacked troops in Korea. The virus attracted attention because some American troops were accidentally exposed to it in Korea, most of whom died very suddenly. Two facts that were eliminated from the public reports of the time: (1) the virus attacked North Koreans and Chinese in greater numbers, and (2) this Hantavirus was one item in the treasure trove of biological weapons the Americans inherited from Dr. Ishii and his Unit 731. The Japanese were light-years ahead of the Americans and the Western Allies in virus research and had isolated the lethal Hantavirus by the late 1930s, with much evidence it was used against China by the Japanese and later against both China and North Korea by the Americans. It seems that some of this weaponised material escaped containment and exposed American and South Korean soldiers to their own handiwork.

然后,2012年9月10日,《洛杉矶时报》发表了一篇文章,讨论了医生在1993年美国首次发现这种致命病原体20多年后“仍在试图诊断汉坦病毒的奥秘”的话题。 [132] 但随后,一位电视观众提供了一条“幸运线索”,他是一名医生,他说这种疾病似乎与他观察到美国军方在20世纪50年代在韩国使用的病毒非常相似。 果然,测试证明这种疾病是由袭击韩国军队的同一汉坦病毒变异引起的。 这种病毒引起了人们的注意,因为一些美国军队在韩国意外接触到它,其中大多数人突然死亡。 当时公众报道中删除了两个事实:(1)这种病毒袭击了更多的朝鲜人和中国人,以及(2)这种汉坦病毒是美国人从石井博士和他的731部队继承的生物武器宝库中的一件物品。 日本人在病毒研究方面比美国人和西方盟友领先数光年,并在20世纪30年代末分离出致命的汉坦病毒,有大量证据表明日本人和美国人曾用它来对付中国。 似乎这些武器化的物质中有一些逃脱了控制,使美国和韩国士兵暴露在他们自己的手中。


Now think about this in terms of the common signs used to identify a bio-warfare agent:



1 – Disease caused by an unusual, rare, or uncommon pathogen, or an unusual strain of a common pathogen, indicating it was potentially genetically engineered. Check. Unusual and rare indeed. And nearly identical to the strain the US used in Korea, except that this variety attacked the respiratory system instead of the renal system. 1- 由异常、罕见或不常见的病原体,或常见病原体的异常菌株引起的疾病,表明其可能经过基因工程改造。检查确实不同寻常,也十分罕见。而且与美国在韩国使用的菌株几乎完全相同,除了这种菌株攻击的是呼吸系统而不是肾脏系统。

2 – Lack of an epidemiological explanation. i.e., no clear idea of source or origin. Check. This virus seemed to come from nowhere, and no source was identified, nor was a patient zero. 2 – 缺乏流行病学解释。即,不清楚来源或起源。检查这种病毒似乎来自任何地方,没有确定来源,也没有零号病人。

3 – Unusual presentation or manifestation of the disease, i.e., race-specific. Check. There were no reports of the virus attacking anyone other than native aboriginals, leading to speculation the US military had isolated certain genes in natives that made them susceptible to a particular strain of this virus, and then produced it. 3 – 疾病的异常表现或症状,即种族特异性。检查除了土著居民外,没有关于该病毒攻击其他人的报道,这引发了人们的猜测,即美国军方在土著居民中分离出某些基因,使他们对这种病毒的特定菌株易感,然后产生了这种病毒。

4 – Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution. Check. The virus appeared only an the confluence of four states, an area heavily populated with natives. 4 – 不寻常的地理或季节分布。检查这种病毒只出现在四个州的交界处,这是一个人口稠密的土著地区。

5 – Multiple epidemics.Simultaneous outbreaks at different locations with the same organism. Check. The virus appeared in different locations at the same time. and then spread. 5 – 多种流行病。同一生物体在不同地点同时爆发。检查病毒在同一时间出现在不同的地方,然后传播

6 – Reverse or simultaneous spread.Diseases typically occur first among a susceptible animal population, then spread to humans. If these two are simultaneous or if the human disease precedes animal infections, we can be suspicious. Check. No animal source. 6 – 反向或同时传播。疾病通常首先在易感动物种群中发生,然后传播给人类。如果这两者是同时发生的,或者如果人类疾病先于动物感染,我们就可以怀疑。检查没有动物来源。


In 2006, a disingenuous apologist named Robert Neff wrote an article stating that “a few members of the United Nations forces” in Korea fell ill from a mysterious disease. (Note that the partitioning of, and genocide in, North Korea is now attributed to ‘the United Nations’ rather than US meddling.) Mr. Neff does admit the disease that struck his “United Nations forces” did indeed resemble the hemorrhagic fever which the Japanese “had encountered” in Manchuria. It’s hardly a surprise the Japanese “encountered” it, since they created it. But Mr. Neff, in his rush to exonerate the US from culpability, fails to make the obvious connection that was made by every other medical researcher – namely that from all the facts on the ground, it appears that the US put to almost immediate use Ishii’s weaponisation of the hantavirus. Many reputable medical researchers have stated this disease did not originate in Korea but was introduced by the Americans as a biological weapon.



Back to the outbreak in the US in 1993 that appeared to affect only North American aboriginals: Barbara Knust, a CDC epidemiologist, said, “The biggest mystery is we don’t have a good explanation [as to the cause].” I have an explanation. All she needs to do is ask.



3.3.2. Lyme Disease — 3.3.2. 莱姆病



In 2004, Michael C. Carroll published a book titled, “Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory”. Amazon carries two versions of the book, the original, [133] and an update. [134] The book is available to read on [135] Plum Island is located off the coast of Long Island, New York, and is the US military’s main repository for some of the world’s most dangerous animal pathogens being researched for use as bio-warfare materials. It was first a military base, then turned into a government animal disease laboratory operated by the US Department of Agriculture, then transferred to the Department of Homeland Security where it still resides – [136] [137] and we should ask ourselves why Homeland Security is operating BSL-4 animal pathogen labs instead of terrorising American citizens by its more usual methods.

2004年,迈克尔·卡罗尔出版了一本名为《实验室257:政府秘密的普拉姆岛细菌实验室的令人不安的故事》的书。亚马逊网站上有这本书的两个版本,分别是原版和更新版。[133][134] 这本书可以在archive.org上阅读。[135] 普拉姆岛位于纽约长岛海岸外,是美国军方研究用于生物战材料的一些世界上最危险的动物病原体的主要储存库。它最初是一个军事基地,然后变成了一个由美国农业部运营的政府动物疾病实验室,然后转移到国土安全部,它仍然在那里——[136] [137] 我们应该问自己,为什么国土安全部正在运营BSL-4动物病原体实验室,而不是用更常见的方法恐吓美国公民。

Lyme disease has a gradual onset, often with flu-like symptoms. Individual can have unexplained fevers or hot and cold spells. Memory, planning, reading, brain processing, and judgment may be impaired. Fatigue and exhaustion are common as well as sleep problems and headaches. Sensitivity to light and sounds is increased so people can feel assaulted by the world around them. Source.

莱姆病有一个渐进的发病过程,通常伴随着流感样症状。个人可能无法解释发烧或忽冷忽热。记忆、计划、阅读、大脑处理和判断可能会受损。疲劳和疲惫是常见的,睡眠问题和头痛也是如此。对光和声音的敏感度增加,所以人们会感到被周围的世界所攻击 来源


Our main current interest in Plum Island relates to an outbreak of Lyme disease[138] [139] which many believe originated here since the island is only a few kilometers from the coast of Lyme, Connecticut, where the disease first appeared in 1970 then exploded around 1975. This is basically a fatal disease, though it kills slowly and painfully. Our interest in Lyme Disease is primarily because it is a mycoplasma-type of illness, the specific strain being ‘mycoplasma fermentens’ which is the same strain that infected the soldiers suffering from the Gulf War Syndromeboth Lyme Disease victims and Gulf War veterans mostly suffering precisely the same symptoms“At a cancer center in Houston, Texas, Dr. Garth Nicholson discovered that many of those returning soldiers were infected with a genetically-altered strain of Mycoplasma that was clearly man-made and commonly used in the production of biological weapons.” [140] Not only that, this particular mycoplasma strain was created at Plum Island, and later patented by the US military (U.S. Patent 5,242,820 issued Sept. 7, 1993). A further connection with Plum Island is that this mycoplasma is most commonly transmitted through insects – ticks, in this case – which were the specialties of both Erich Traub and Dr. Ishii’s Unit 731 and entrenched in Plum Island laboratories.

我们目前对梅花岛的主要兴趣与莱姆病的爆发有关, [138] [139] 许多人认为莱姆病起源于这里,因为该岛距离康涅狄格州莱姆病海岸只有几公里,1970年莱姆病首次出现在那里,1975年左右爆发。这基本上是一种致命的疾病,尽管它的死亡缓慢而痛苦。我们对莱姆病的兴趣主要是因为它是一种支原体类型的疾病,特定的菌株是“发酵支原体”,这与感染患有海湾战争综合征的士兵的菌株相同,莱姆病患者和海湾战争退伍军人大多患有完全相同的症状。“在得克萨斯州休斯顿的癌症中心,Garth Nicholson博士发现,许多回国士兵感染了一种经基因改变的支原体,这种支原体显然是人为的,通常用于生产生物武器。” [140] 。1993年9月7日公布的专利5242820)。与梅岛的进一步联系是,这种支原体最常见的传播途径是昆虫——在这种情况下是蜱——这是Erich Traub和石井博士的731部队的专长,并在梅岛实验室根深蒂固。


MSNBC ran an article stating the CDC had admitted Lyme Disease was a biological weapon, but the page is at times unavailable. [141] This is a quote from the article: US Government Admits Lyme Disease Is A Bioweapon: “SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The $10.6 million Margaret Batts Tobin Laboratory Building will provide a 22,000-square-foot facility to study such diseases as anthrax, tularemia, cholera, lyme disease, desert valley fever and other parasitic and fungal diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified these diseases as potential bioterrorism agents. [142]

MSNBC 发表了一篇文章,称 CDC 承认莱姆病是一种生物武器,但该页面有时不可用。[141] 这是引用自这篇文章:美国政府承认莱姆病是一种生物武器:“圣安东尼奥(美联社)-耗资 1060 万美元的玛格丽特·巴茨·托宾实验室大楼将提供 22000 平方英尺的设施,用于研究炭疽、兔热病、霍乱、莱姆病、沙漠谷热和其他寄生虫和真菌疾病。疾病控制和预防中心将这些疾病确定为潜在的生物恐怖主义制剂。”  [142]


One author noted that Lyme Disease is “an ideal bio-war agent because it evades detection on routine tests, has an enormous range of different presentations, and can mimic everything … Enemy medical staff would never know what had hit them, nor even that ONE illness had hit their population, rather than an unexplained rise in dozens of known conditions.”



A truly odd condition, even after many years, is that this subject is apparently forbidden for discussion. The government refuses to discuss the matter, physicians are apparently afraid to diagnose or treat the illness, and health insurance companies refuse to cover the treatment, apparently on the basis that the disease doesn’t really exist. These are precisely the same issues existing with the soldiers suffering from Gulf War Syndromethe topic is essentially forbidden, the government and the military refuse to talk about it or admit its very existence, and insurance companies refuse to cover “non-existent” illnesses. In keeping with this attitude, medical professionals who attempt to treat or discuss the issue are harassed and sanctioned, intimidated into silence.



Barbara Andrews stated in an article in the August 6, 2002 Journal of Degenerative Diseases, that Plum Island was definitely the source of Lyme Disease, [143] and that the disease contains the same pathogen (mycoplasma fermentens) found in Gulf War Illness. More than this, it described “a university-based effort to discourage doctors from diagnosis and treatment for chronic Lyme Disease and to thwart insurance coverage” for the disease. Andrews reported the case of a Dr. Joseph Burrascano, who performed intensive and highly-respected research on Lyme disease and who in 1993 testified before a Senate Committee on the topic. Andrews said Dr. Burrascano risked his career by stating publicly what others had been afraid to discuss, and by criticising academics who apparently published flawed and misleading papers to prevent the real truth from emerging. According to Andrews, Burrascano stated in his testimony:



 “… state health departments have begun to investigate, in a very threatening way, physicians who [diagnose and treat the disease] … Indeed, I must confess that I feel I am taking a large risk here today by publicly stating these views, for fear that I may suffer some negative repercussions, despite the fact that many hundreds of physicians all over the world agree with what I am saying here.” Burrascano characterised Lyme as a “political disease” and indeed, he was made an example, charged with professional misconduct. It took seven years before he was finally exonerated and during that long ordeal, Dr. Burrascano’s case was watched surreptitiously but carefully by the medical community.” Andrews noted finally that physicians consider Lyme Disease in the same way as the Gulf War Syndrome – a “red-flag” illness.




Karl Grossman, a full-time professor of journalism at the State University of New York, spent five decades investigating the U.S. government laboratory on Plum Island, which is “shrouded in secrecy.” Grossman was the first journalist who exposed the U.S. government’s admission to doing biological warfare work on Plum Island in 1971, and is convinced also this is the source of Lyme disease. [144]



Lastly, I should note that the CIA and US military must have hundreds of people (at least) working the media to publish huge volumes of irrelevant trivia, misleading statements, false information, and much more, solely to confuse the public mind and remove the ability to focus on the main issues. One so-called “medical paper” claimed that Lyme Disease was not new, that it had been “first documented as a skin rash in Europe in 1883”. Approaches like this are very clever, but they avoid discussing how the citizens of Lyme, Connecticut and soldiers in Kuwait ended up infected with the same strain of mycoplasma that the US government patented, and that caused “skin rashes” in Europe in 1883″.



The establishment is fighting back in other ways too. With every such event, there are many people (who are often paid) who write disclaimers and “prove” all doubters are conspiracy theorists. Tufts University tells us that the “Lyme Bacterium Predates the U.S. Lab That Conspiracy Theorists Say Unleashed Ticks on Public” [145] And of course, Snopes is always there to “debunk” the truth. [146] Others disagree: [147] Kris Newby published “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons” [148] in which he says, “if a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer had not made a confession in 2013, the secret that Lyme disease came from a biological weapons program would have died with him”. And Dr. Leonard Horowitz agreed with Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee investigating this, that the outbreak of Lyme Disease was a deliberate attack. [148a]

建制派也在以其他方式进行反击。在每一次这样的事件中,都有许多人(他们经常得到报酬)写下免责声明,并“证明”所有怀疑者都是阴谋论者。塔夫茨大学告诉我们,“莱姆病细菌捕食美国实验室,阴谋论者说在公共场合释放虱子”[145]当然,Snopes总是在那里“揭露”真相。[146] 其他人不同意:[147]Kris Newby发表了《Bitten:莱姆病和生物武器的秘密历史》[148],他在书中说,“如果一位名叫Willy Burgdorfer的科学家没有在2013年认罪,莱姆病来自生物武器项目的秘密就会和他一起死去”。还有Dr。Leonard Horowitz同意调查此事的参议院司法委员会主席Patrick Leahy的观点,即莱姆病的爆发是蓄意袭击。[148a]


Again, think about this in terms of the common signs used to identify a bio-warfare agent:



1.Disease caused by an unusual, rare, or uncommon pathogen, or an unusual strain of a common pathogen, indicating it was potentially genetically engineered. Yes. Unusual and rare indeed. — 1.由异常、罕见或不常见的病原体,或常见病原体的异常菌株引起的疾病,表明其可能经过基因工程改造。对确实很罕见。

2.Lack of an epidemiological explanation. i.e., no clear idea of source or origin. Yes. This virus seemed to come from nowhere, and no source was identified, nor was a patient zero. — 2.缺乏流行病学解释。即,不清楚来源或起源。对这种病毒似乎来自任何地方,没有确定来源,也没有零号病人。

3.Unusual presentation or manifestation of the disease, i.e., race-specific. Yes. Lyme disease infected only people living in Lyme, Connecticut – from where it spread. 3 — 疾病的异常表现或症状,即种族特异性。对莱姆病只感染居住在康涅狄格州莱姆市的人,莱姆病就是从那里传播的。

4.Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution. Yes. The virus appeared only at the mainland, a stone’s throw from the Plum Island lab where it had been created and patented. 4.异常的地理或季节分布。对这种病毒只出现在大陆,距离制造和获得专利的梅花岛实验室只有一箭之遥。

5.Multiple epidemics. Not in this case, but the disease is spread by infected ticks, and weaponising ticks was a specialty at Plum Island. — 5.多发性流行病。虽然不是这种情况,但这种疾病是由受感染的蜱虫传播的,而将蜱虫武器化是普拉姆岛的专长。


3.3.3. Mycoplasma – The Gulf War Syndrome — 3.3.3. 支原体 – 海湾战争综合症


It doesn’t seem well-known, but hundreds of thousands of US troops from the first Gulf War in Kuwait have suffered from exposure to depleted uranium (DU) shells that were used against Iraq, resulting in widespread cancers and leukemia, badly-deformed childbirths and a variety of other illnesses. It is even less well-known that there was a second problem. At a cancer center in Houston, Texas, Dr. Garth Nicholson discovered that many of those returning soldiers were infected with a genetically-altered strain of Mycoplasma that was clearly man-made and commonly used in the production of biological weapons. [149] In spite of this, and other overwhelming evidence, the US government denied the use of any of these war materials, and refused either medical treatment or compensation to its soldiers. There appears to be little question that the severely debilitating illnesses and cancers these men experienced, were a direct result of this exposure, but the US military denied not only responsibility but the existence of the disease itself.

这似乎并不为人所知,但第一次海湾战争中在科威特的数十万美军暴露在用于对抗伊拉克的贫铀炮弹中,导致了广泛的癌症和白血病、严重畸形的分娩和各种其他疾病。更不为人所知的是,还有第二个问题。在得克萨斯州休斯敦的癌症中心。Garth Nicholson发现,许多返回的士兵感染了一种经过基因改造的支原体,这种支原体显然是人造的,通常用于生产生物武器。[149]尽管如此,以及其他压倒性的证据,美国政府否认使用了任何这些战争物资,并拒绝向其士兵提供医疗或赔偿。毫无疑问,这些人所经历的严重衰弱的疾病和癌症是这种暴露的直接结果,但美国军方不仅否认对此负责,而且否认疾病本身的存在


US soldiers during the Gulf Wars were forced under federal law to take experimental vaccines, the law stipulating that soldiers cannot refuse participation in the military’s medical experiments. Jessica Horjus, a member of the US Air Force, refused to take an anthrax vaccine before being sent to Kuwait, because the vaccine had accumulated thousands of reports of adverse reactions ranging from headaches and vomiting to severe autoimmune and neurological problems. [150] [151] [152] Despite this and despite four years’ service and commendations and Good Conduct Medals, her commander demoted her and cut her pay in half. When she refused additional orders to take the vaccine, she was dishonorably discharged from the US military. Others who have refused the vaccinations have been imprisoned, and many threatened with up to 10 years in prison. Soldiers, citizen groups and members of Congress have demanded that Defense Department officials cease the vaccinations, but to no avail. The US military is determined to accumulate statistical and biological experience with its weaponised anthrax, and requires test subjects, both for the disease and for various treatments or immunisations.

海湾战争期间,美国士兵根据联邦法律被迫接种实验性疫苗,法律规定士兵不能拒绝参加军方的医学实验。美国空军成员杰西卡·霍尔朱斯在被派往科威特之前拒绝接种炭疽疫苗,因为该疫苗已经积累了数千份不良反应报告,包括头痛、呕吐、严重的自身免疫和神经系统问题。[150] [151] [152] 尽管如此,尽管她服役四年并获得嘉奖和良好行为奖章,但她的指挥官还是将她降级并削减了一半的工资。当她拒绝接受额外的疫苗接种命令时,她被美国军方开除。其他拒绝接种疫苗的人被监禁,许多人被威胁要判处10年监禁。士兵、公民团体和国会议员要求国防部官员停止接种疫苗,但无济于事。美国军方决心积累其武器化炭疽的统计和生物学经验,并要求受试者进行疾病和各种治疗或免疫试验。


Between 2003 and 2004, 181,000 artillery shells containing depleted uranium were used throughout Iraq, causing birth defects in a huge number of children. Source



One article by a man with the unlikely name of Matt Saintsing tells us the cause was unexplained until now – until someone discovered it was cause by the nerve gas Sarin, that Saddam had in storage and that was accidentally released when the US bombed everything in Iraq. [153] It was such an apparent stroke of luck that a team of researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School “looked at the genes” and learned the truth. Dr. Robert Haley, the study’s lead author and director of epidemiology in the internal medicine department at UT Southwestern said, “Quite simply, our findings prove that Gulf War illness was caused by sarin, which was released when we bombed Iraqi chemical weapons storage and production facilities.” He provides no evidence, but debunking doesn’t require evidence; empty claims are sufficient. Johns Hopkins wrote an excellent article on the Gulf War Syndrome, but it’s a bit lacking because they apparently weren’t even aware of the existence of mycoplasma. [154] The Mayo Clinic unfortunately did a whitewash, claiming “Psychological and cultural factors undoubtedly contribute” to the Gulf War illnesses, failing to address the issue of how a “psychological illness” could be transmitted from the soldiers to their children and transmuted into a mycoplasma infection. [155]

一个不太可能叫马特·圣辛的人写的一篇文章告诉我们,直到现在原因还无法解释——直到有人发现这是由萨达姆储存的神经毒气沙林引起的,当美国轰炸伊拉克的所有东西时,沙林被意外释放。[153] 得克萨斯大学西南医学院的一组研究人员“研究了基因”并了解了真相,这显然是运气使然。Dr。该研究的主要作者、UT西南医学院内科流行病学主任Robert Haley说:“很简单,我们的发现证明海湾战争疾病是由沙林引起的,沙林是我们轰炸伊拉克化学武器储存和生产设施时释放的。”他没有提供证据,但揭穿真相不需要证据;空声明就足够了。约翰斯·霍普金斯写了一篇关于海湾战争综合症的优秀文章,但有点缺乏,因为他们显然甚至没有意识到支原体的存在。[154]不幸的是,梅奥诊所洗白了事实,声称“心理和文化因素无疑是海湾战争疾病的原因”,未能解决“心理疾病”如何从士兵传播给他们的孩子并转化为支原体感染的问题。  [155]


However, there are a few bright lights despite of the denials. PubMed admits there is a High frequency of systemic mycoplasmal infections in Gulf War veterans and civilians” [156] Researchgate does address this latter issue with an article “Chronic Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War Veterans’ Children, indicating that the disease not only exists but is contagious and causes autism in children. [157] But you can see the difficulties in trying to ascertain the truth when the government and military steadfastly deny even the existence of an illness and respected institutions blame an infection on mental and emotional disturbances.

然而,尽管有否认,但仍有一些亮点。PubMed承认“海湾战争退伍军人和平民中存在高频率的系统性支原体感染” [156] Researchgate在一篇题为“海湾战争退伍军人儿童中的慢性支原体感染”的文章中解决了后一个问题,表明这种疾病不仅存在,而且具有传染性,并导致儿童自闭症。 [157] 但是,当政府和军队甚至坚决否认疾病的存在,而受人尊敬的机构将感染归咎于精神和情绪障碍时,您可以看到试图确定真相的困难。


Again, if we consider the signs of an engineered pathogen distributed among a population, the mycoplasma is a good fit. A rare pathogen, clearly man-made, no apparent source or cause of the outbreak (other than the experimental vaccine), unusual geographic and human manifestation in that it infected only US soldiers returning from the Gulf War. And, like Lyme Disease, a determined effort to silence any discussion of it.



3.3.4. The West Nile Virus — 3.3.4 西尼罗河病毒





The West Nile virus was yet another new pathogen from Africa that “suddenly appeared” in the US in 1999, then spread to the West Coast, eventually infecting more than 30,000 people in most US states. But like Zika and several others, this virus was mild and appeared to do no great harm in its original location, while in the US the same virus became a kind of permanent infection apparently causing irreparable nervous system damage to many victims. That would almost certainly indicate a mutation, either accidental or derived in a lab, the mutation deciding to occur upon landing in the US, although it may have made an intermediate stop at the US military’s NAMRU-2, as did ZIKA.



And, as with Zika, the official story was that this virus had been introduced to North America by a traveler from Africa or the Middle East, or “via a stray mosquito on an airplane” or, more commonly, arrived in shipments of automobile tires. But in fact, the US military had been doing research in the US on the West Nile virus for decades, and it isn’t even a secret that this virus, along with many other pathogens can be freely purchased from a catalogue from various US sources, and has been for decades. Hundreds of labs from around the world make these purchases on a regular basis, the pathogens being openly sold for medical research, one source being the US National Type Culture Collection in Rockville, Maryland, very near to the military’s bio-warfare labs at Fort Detrick.



According to the ATCC website, they “provide scientists with the biomaterials that move their research forward”. Their “microbial collections” are of course of high standard and are “at the heart of incredible breakthroughs in scientific exploration”. No information on the nature of the breakthroughs, though I must say their involvement with ZIKA aroused my suspicions. [158] Wikipedia tells us ATCC is a “non-profit” organisation that “collects and distributes “standard reference microorganisms” for research and development, and distribute these to more than 150 countries. [159] Wiki also tells us these people have the largest [micro-pathology] collection in the world, although I would have thought this honor would go to either Fort Detrick or the CDC, but they aren’t far from Fort Detrick so perhaps they collaborate.

根据ATCC网站,他们“为科学家提供了推动他们研究的生物材料”。他们的“微生物收藏”当然是高标准的,是“科学探索中令人难以置信的突破的核心”。没有关于这些突破的性质的信息,尽管我必须说,他们与ZIKA的关系引起了我的怀疑。[158] 维基百科告诉我们,ATCC是一个“非营利”组织,“收集和分发”用于研究和开发的标准参考微生物,并将其分发到150多个国家。[159] 维基还告诉我们,这些人拥有世界上最大的[微观病理学]收藏,尽管我本以为这项荣誉会授予德特里克堡或疾病预防控制中心,但他们离德特里克堡不远,所以也许他们会合作。


It seems that each time a new pathogen appears in the public realm, the official story involves Africa and travelers or automobile tires, and the compliant media parrot this nonsense, knowing it is almost certainly false. Even brief research into the US military’s massive bio-warfare operations would inform interested citizens of the truth of the fact that killer germs and designer diseases are actively offered for sale in the US, including those that, like the West Nile virus, are alleged to have “mysteriously” appeared and been suddenly widely dispersed in the population.



I should note here that precisely the same attributions were made with the inexplicable appearance of ZIKA in South America – that it was brought there by a traveler to see the World Cup or, alternatively, arrived in a shipment of automobile tires. Let me note further that ZIKA is transmitted only by mosquito bites, so an “infected traveler to the World Cup” would have to be bitten by quite a few mosquitoes who would then become infected and spread through all of South and Central America, covering 20 million square kilometers and infecting millions of people simultaneously in 20 countries. The claim about the auto tires is merely a clever bit of disingenuous propaganda; most of us have seen used auto tires resting somewhere with water in them, and we know that pools of water are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, so this superficially seems to make sense. But on reflection, how many auto tires do you need, and how many mosquitoes breeding in them, to infect hundreds of thousands of soldiers in many different locations?



Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote an article on the West Nile virus [160] in which he made some very interesting points, one of which was that while many infectious diseases had been banished from the world, a great many new ones had emerged to replace them, including HIV, Lyme Disease, Hepatitis C, Legionnaire’s disease, the so-called “mad cow disease”, the hantavirus and hemorrhagic fever, and Ebola. He wrote:



“Health officials blame increased global travel and globalization, population growth and movements, deforestation and reforestation programs, human sexuality (in the case of HIV), and increased human contact with tropical mini-forests and other wilderness habitats that are reservoirs for insects and animals that harbor unknown infectious agents. Nowhere in the official list of causes is the fact that for many decades millions of animals and innumerable vials of infectious material have been shipped around the world for commercial and biological warfare purposes. Epidemiologists suspect that the West Nile virus has for the first time [in 1999] been isolated in humans or animals in the Western Hemisphere, but the virus has for decades made its home in several U.S. research laboratories, including Rockefeller University in Manhattan and Yale University in New Haven, Conn. In fact, investigators there were the first to grow and study the West Nile virus in the United States. The work began in the 1950s when unidentified viral samples from around the world arrived at Rockefeller on a steady basis.” – From an article in Newsday in September 29, 1999, titled, “Area Labs Have Long Studied Virus / Yale, Rockefeller began tests in ’50s”. The article appears to have been removed.

“卫生官员将责任归咎于全球旅行和全球化、人口增长和流动、森林砍伐和再造林计划、人类性行为(在艾滋病毒的情况下)以及人类与热带小森林和其他荒野栖息地的接触增加,这些栖息地是携带未知传染性病原体的昆虫和动物的宿主。在官方原因清单中,没有提到几十年来数百万只动物和无数瓶传染性物质被运往世界各地用于商业和生物战争的目的。流行病学家怀疑西尼罗病毒首次(1999年)在人类或动物身上被分离出来,但该病毒几十年来一直存在于美国几个研究实验室,包括曼哈顿的洛克菲勒大学和康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大学。事实上,那里的调查人员是第一个在美国种植和研究西尼罗病毒的人。这项工作始于20世纪50年代,当时来自世界各地的未知病毒样本源源不断地抵达洛克菲勒。” – 摘自1999年9月29日《新闻日报》的一篇文章,标题为“地区实验室长期以来一直在研究病毒/耶鲁大学、洛克菲勒大学在50年代开始进行测试”。这篇文章似乎已被删除。


It may simply have been a fortuitous coincidence that the outbreak of West Nile Fever in New York coincided with a “field test” of a new OraVax vaccine, one which was patented by the US government at Fort Detrick. Dr. Cantwell also noted that with the West Nile virus, as with many other pathogens, the US military even patented the process for using mosquitoes to spread the disease. But then the Wall Street Journal reported that “OraVax Gets $3 Million Grant To Develop West Nile Vaccine”. [161] That seemed fitting, somehow.

纽约爆发西尼罗热疫情与一种新的OraVax疫苗的“现场测试”同时发生,这可能只是一个偶然的巧合,这种疫苗是由美国政府在德特里克堡申请专利的。坎特威尔博士还指出,与许多其他病原体一样,美国军方甚至为使用蚊子传播西尼罗病毒的程序申请了专利。但随后《华尔街日报》报道称,“OraVax获得300万美元拨款用于开发西尼罗病毒疫苗”。[161] 这似乎很合适。


In his paper, Dr. Cantwell quoted an article from the Associate Press that stated in part, “In Army tests at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., japonicus was found to be the “most competent vector” [transmitter] for West Nile virus in a laboratory setting, when compared with other mosquitoes.” from the Federal Register: March 22, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 57, Page 11812) U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28, 1994, and entitled “Infectious cDNA Clones of Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis Virus Made from the Clones”. He concluded by writing that with this widespread world trade coupled with advances in gene-splicing technology, has resulted in the production of new laboratory diseases that have potential biological warfare capabilities, stating that “the implications of all these scientific “advances” have naturally led many to suspect or conclude that these repeatedly-emerging new epidemics are man-made.”

Cantwell博士在他的论文中引用了美联社的一篇文章,其中部分内容是:“在马里兰州弗雷德里克德特里克堡的陆军测试中,与其他蚊子相比,日本疟蚊被发现是实验室环境中西尼罗病毒的‘最有效载体’。” 来自《联邦公报》:1996年3月22日(第61卷,第57期,第11812页)美国专利申请序列号08/348,882,1994年11月28日提交,题为“日本脑炎病毒的传染性cDNA克隆和由克隆制成的减毒株日本脑炎病毒”。他总结道,随着世界贸易的广泛开展和基因剪接技术的进步,产生了具有潜在生物战能力的新实验室疾病,并指出“所有这些科学‘进步’的影响自然导致许多人怀疑或断定这些反复出现的新流行病是人为的。”


It is difficult to disagree with this conclusion, since suspicion naturally arises when a pathogen that has been actively researched by the military for more than 30 years, with many mutations patented by the US military, suddenly escapes into the public and is blamed on a mosquito in a Japanese auto tire. I do not know the source of this virus that emerged in the US, nor have I formed conclusions about the method of its introduction and spread among the US states, but one needn’t be a scientist (nor a conspiracy theorist) to know that the official story created in the White House and promulgated by the mass media, is almost certainly untrue. Our suspicions are further aroused when public investigation into the source and method of dispersal of these pathogens appears to be voluntarily censored, with no news medium or reporter exhibiting any interest in contradicting an official story which is implausible at best and almost certainly false.



Once again, thinking of the common signs of a bio-warfare agent: West Nile Fever was rare, existing only in other parts of the world, but appeared suddenly in the US with a new strain that was not harmless as the original, but “caused irreparable nervous system damage”. The disease broke out primarily in California, then spread. Further, the appearance of the disease coincided perfectly with the distribution of an experimental vaccine: this is very common with many new disease outbreaks – that they so often appear on the heels of a WHO or other vaccination program, too often to be mere coincidences. This is true, and happens all over the world. There was no identifiable origin, no source. The West Nile virus is a Flavivirus, of the same family as ZIKA, which are normally harmless, but this strain was deadly, and the US government at Fort Detrick patented not only the pathogen but the best means of distributing it. And of course, the official intimidation to silence on the matter. Draw whatever conclusions you think are appropriate.



3.3.5. Vaping — 3.3.5. 电子烟



We have all read about the outbreak of lung injuries initially attributed to vaping, or the use of e-cigarettes, that started in the US in 2019 and resulted in around 3,000 illnesses and around 100 deaths, these emergencies mostly involving younger people, especially young men and boys. [162] The reported symptoms included severe pneumonia, shortness of breath, coughing, fever, fatigue, and respiratory failure. From the beginning, this illness was identified as “a localised problem”. Experts in toxicology and addiction said they were sure that the American cases of serious lung injuries linked to vaping were “a US-specific phenomenon”. Dr Anne Schuchat from the CDC (she of COVID fame) said the outbreak was expected to continue for some time, with no indication of how she would know that. [163]



There had been for a long time the occasional difficulty related to vaping, but the sudden explosion in 2019 was unprecedented. This was where the speculation began. What was the cause of the severe pneumonias and deaths of the young people that were originally attributed to vaping? First, the “official story”: Officials were quick to condemn vitamin E acetate from the cigarettes as the compound likely behind the mystery illnesses, saying that the substance was found in “nearly every” cannabis vape product they tested. Federal health officials called the substance a “chemical of concern” after finding it in lung fluid samples from 29 patients diagnosed with vaping lung injury.



But their diagnosis was clearly nonsense, and the nonsensical aspect increased with each new detail revealed. First, they claimed to have found vitamin E acetate in “nearly every” marijuana product they tested. [164] Its absence in some of the products would obviously negate it as a cause. But more than that, this was in “marijuana vape products” which were by no means the only product being used. Secondly, they found it in lung fluid samples from 29 patients. But there were more than 3,000 patients, 2,970 of whom did not have this compound in their lungs. This is exactly the same as seeing a person in the vicinity of a few bank robberies and then convicting him of every bank robbery that ever happened.

但他们的诊断显然是无稽之谈,而且随着每个新细节的揭示,这种荒谬性也在增加。首先,他们声称在“几乎所有”他们测试的大麻产品中都发现了维生素E醋酸酯。[164] 在一些产品中没有这种成分,显然可以否定它是一种原因。 但更重要的是,这是在“大麻电子烟产品”中,而大麻电子烟产品绝不是唯一使用的产品。 其次,他们在29名患者的肺液样本中发现了这种成分。 但有3000多名患者,其中2970名患者的肺部没有这种化合物。 这就像看到一个人在几起银行抢劫案附近,然后判定他犯下了所有发生的银行抢劫案。



To make matters worse, the injured patients, according to the authorities, “used a [large] number of different devices, from vaporisers to smaller e-cigarettes, and a variety of different brands of liquids and cartridges. The CDC itself reported no consistency among the illnesses or deaths. [165] No single substance was shown to cause the illness, and investigators conceded there had to be more than one cause [166] – or perhaps a common cause that was not identified. This latter would appear to be the case, since attending physicians unanimously claimed the vaping itself was not the prime causethat there was another pathogen at work but they had no idea what it was.

更糟糕的是,据当局称,受伤的病人“使用了大量不同的设备,从喷雾器到较小的电子烟,以及各种不同品牌的液体和墨盒。疾病预防控制中心本身报告的疾病或死亡不一致。[165] 没有一种物质被证明会导致疾病,调查人员承认,这可能不止一个原因。[166] 或者可能是一个未被发现的共同原因。后一种情况似乎是正确的,因为主治医生一致声称电子烟本身不是主要原因,还有其他病原体在起作用,但他们不知道是什么。


Even more, a study of lung tissue samples from 17 patients found that the injuries looked like chemical burns or toxic chemical exposure. There were later reports that the lung damage resembled the “ground glass” appearance of COVID damage. It was eventually concluded – in countries other than the US – that the combination of e-cigarettes with COVID-19 could have been the cause, that some aspect of that combination could be deadly even to young otherwise-healthy individuals. It was then that a Taiwanese physician, after examining the evidence, concluded firmly that the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He also stated further that the more than 200 simultaneous “pulmonary fibrosis” cases revealed in the US also experienced conditions and symptoms that could not be explained by pulmonary fibrosis. He wrote the US officials to inform them of his findings and ask them to seriously consider that both illnesses were actually caused by a combination with COVID. They apparently responded by insisting on vaping as the cause,  then silenced further discussion. The Taiwanese doctor then went public to state that the COVID outbreak began in the US much earlier than assumed.



I can recall thinking at the time, that the main objective of the official story was to bury some unrevealed truths, since the story simply didn’t make sense as presented because too much contrary evidence was obviously being ignored, and because there were many later indications that COVID had indeed been circulating in the US much earlier than admitted.



Let’s look at the common signs of a bio-warfare agent again. Certainly an uncommon pathogen, so uncommon it was never identified or, if it was identified, those in the know kept that knowledge to themselves. There was no epidemiological explanation, no clear idea of source, origin, or cause. It had an unusual presentation in that it affected only those who were using vaping products, and primarily attacked only the young. It also had an unusual geographic distribution and multiple outbreaks of the same pathogen.



But there is something else here of importance. Think: A gas line develops a leak, and then ignites, and burns down a large shopping mall. If Wikipedia were to create a page for this event, it would state that a gas line developed a leak, ignited, and burned down a shopping mall. There would be no need to lie because there would be nothing to cover up, nothing to hide. But in every case I have examined where there are serious questions about the veracity of the official story, where we have good reason to form “conspiracy theories’, Wikipedia is there with a page that is replete with lies. And Wiki does so here, opening by telling us that these young people who suffered injury did so because they were “users of illegal, unregulated cannabis vaping products”. [167] Every word in that statement is a lie. There was no evidence that any of the products were illegal or unregulated and, while a large percentage had tried cannabis “at least one time”, the illnesses were by no means restricted to the use of cannabis. And, as is standard, Wiki then fills the room with smoke, and leaves. This fact alone raises my personal suspicions to a high level because, in my experience, Wikipedia fabricates wild tales that support the “official narrative” in every instance that involves a political risk. When Wikipedia begins telling lies, we know that our suspicions are justified. Wiki did a masterful job on SARS, MERS, ZIKA, and others, in the same way.



3.3.6. Virginia Nursing home infections — 3.3.6. 弗吉尼亚疗养院感染



Immediately prior to the shutdown of Fort Detrick, a mysterious respiratory illness broke out at the Greenspring Retirement Community in Fairfax, an hour’s drive from Fort Detrick. The nursing home had had 63 cases of the disease and three deaths. The “pneumonia of unknown cause” was reported in two nursing homes near Fort Detrick, and immediately after this the CDC announced the closure of the Fort Detrick labs. [168] Then in September, the Maryland health service stated that the “pneumonia of unknown cause” had connections with e-cigarettes, or vaping illnesses. Shortly after that, a pulmonary disease with symptoms highly resembling COVID-19 started spreading in several US states.



It may be an odd coincidence that the events appeared to be connected, but the close timing raised many suspicions of cause and effect. At around the same time as Fort Detrick was closed, there were sudden reports of unexplained respiratory disease in two communities in Virginia near Detrick, and others a bit later in Wisconsin. Shortly thereafter, the “vaping” deaths began as well as the pulmonary fibrosis cases[169] [170] [171]

这些事件似乎是相互关联的,这可能是一个奇怪的巧合,但时间上的接近引发了许多因果关系的怀疑。大约在德特里克堡关闭的同时,弗吉尼亚州德特里克附近的两个社区突然报告了不明原因的呼吸道疾病,其他社区在威斯康星州稍晚一些。此后不久,出现了“电子烟”死亡和肺纤维化病例。[169] [170] [171]


It wasn’t only these two nursing homes. According to the Virginia State health department, the number of reported respiratory cases increased by 50% in a short time. Officials tested for a variety of common virus- or bacteria-borne respiratory illnesses, but failed to identify a likely cause. It is possible that COVID illnesses were mis-diagnosed in these situations since there is evidence that COVID was circulating in the US much earlier than originally thought. One of the odd factors was the timing. Benjamin Schwartz, a health department director, “Seeing a respiratory outbreak in a long-term care facility is not odd. … One thing that’s different about this outbreak is just that it’s occurring in the summer when, usually, we don’t have a lot of respiratory disease.” [172] That was precisely the objections being made in many European countries about COVID – that respiratory illnesses never appear during the summer, that they always wait for the “flu season” in the fall. This fact alone raised many suspicions about the synthetic nature of the virus, and the same was true at the nursing homes in Maryland.

不仅仅是这两家疗养院。根据弗吉尼亚州卫生部门的数据,报告的呼吸道病例数量在短时间内增加了50%。官员们对各种常见的病毒或细菌引起的呼吸道疾病进行了检测,但未能确定可能的原因。在这种情况下,新冠肺炎疾病有可能被误诊,因为有证据表明新冠肺炎在美国的传播时间比最初想象的要早得多。其中一个奇怪的因素是时间。卫生部门主任本杰明·施瓦茨说:“在长期护理机构中看到呼吸道爆发并不奇怪……这次疫情的不同之处在于它发生在夏天,通常我们没有很多呼吸道疾病。”[172] 这正是许多欧洲国家对新冠肺炎提出的异议——呼吸道疾病在夏天从未出现,它们总是等到秋天的“流感季节”。仅这一事实就引发了许多人对病毒合成性质的怀疑,马里兰州疗养院的情况也是如此。


And just as with the “vaping” illnesses, no specific pathogen was ever identified as the cause of the outbreak, despite extensive testing. [173] [174] [175] As with the supposed vaping illnesses, the situation remained unresolved. We cannot pretend to label every unusual disease outbreak as emanating from a lab, but equally we needn’t silence our concerns and, if suspicions arise due to the circumstances, we must not be fearful of examining these possibilities. A theory cannot be dismissed if it fits all the known facts.

就像“电子烟”疾病一样,尽管进行了广泛的测试,但并没有发现特定的病原体是疫情爆发的原因。[173] [174] [175]与所谓的电子烟疾病一样,情况仍未得到解决。我们不能假装将每次不寻常的疾病爆发都归咎于实验室,但我们同样不需要沉默我们的担忧,如果由于情况而产生怀疑,我们绝不能害怕检查这些可能性。如果一个理论符合所有已知的事实,就不能被驳回。


Once again, we have an unusual pathogen that could not be identified, an outbreak with no epidemiological explanation, no clear idea of source, origin, or cause. An unusual presentation in that it affected only the elderly – who would be the most susceptible to COVID, an unusual seasonal appearance that belied its apparent nature, an unusual geographic distribution in that it appeared only in nursing homes in the vicinity of Fort Detrick, and we had multiple epidemics of apparently the same pathogen. I would have to say the suspicions appear justified.



3.3.7. The Pandemic That Never Was: The 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak — 3.3.7. 从来不是流行病:2009 年猪流感爆发


President Barack Obama being vaccinated against H1N1 flu on 20 December 2009. Source



This one has so many delicious aspects that it’s difficult to know where to begin. We can start with Nature Magazine screaming “Swine flu outbreak sweeps the globe“, and telling us that The world is bracing itself for the imminent onset of an influenza pandemic”. [176] The virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1 that resulted from a previous triple reassortment of bird, swine, and human flu viruses which further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus, along with other viruses from Asia and Africa. The WHO declared a worldwide public health emergency, as did the US. Wikipedia led the parade on this one, initially claiming that “perhaps 1.4 billion people” – 21% of the global population – could be infected, only Heaven knowing how many might die. [177]

这道菜有很多好吃的方面,很难知道从哪里开始。我们可以从《自然》杂志尖叫“猪流感疫情席卷全球”开始,并告诉我们“世界正在为即将到来的流感大流行做好准备”。 [176]该病毒似乎是一种新的H1N1毒株,由之前的禽流感、猪流感和人流感病毒的三重重组引起,并与欧亚猪流感病毒以及亚洲和非洲的其他病毒进一步结合。世界卫生组织和美国一样宣布全球进入公共卫生紧急状态。维基百科在这一事件上带头游行,最初声称“可能有14亿人”——占全球人口的21%——可能会被感染,只有天堂知道有多少人会死亡。 [177] The Source and Origin – Official Story — 官方故事来源


Some catholics gathered yesterday at the Metropolitan Cathedral (in Mexico City). They prayed for the sick people, the government and the rest of the society. Hoping they make “good decisions” against the swine flu epidemic in our country. Source



“The 2009 swine H1N1 flu pandemic originated in pigs from a very small region in central Mexico, according to a research team headed by investigators at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Researchers used “state-of-the-art genetic analysis” to identify the precise location [where] a pig influenza virus [jumped] into humans.” [178] Science Daily identified the senior author of this “study”, Adolfo García-Sastre, PhD, and we know it must be legitimate just from the length of the man’s title: Director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, Irene and Dr. Arthur M. Fishberg Chair and Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Professor of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. There were many media reports of large numbers of infections and deaths in Mexico.

“根据西奈山伊坎医学院调查人员领导的一个研究小组的研究,2009年猪流感H1N1大流行起源于墨西哥中部一个非常小的地区的猪。研究人员使用“最先进的基因分析”来确定猪流感病毒[跳入]人类的精确位置。” [178] 《科学日报》确定了这项“研究”的资深作者阿道夫·加西亚-萨斯特雷博士,仅从该人头衔的长度来看,就知道该研究一定是合法的:全球健康和新兴病原体研究所所长、艾琳和阿瑟·M·菲什伯格博士、西奈山伊坎医学院传染病医学教授和微生物学教授。有许多媒体报道墨西哥大量感染和死亡。


You may not know that mixing viruses is a messy and unpredictable business. You can spend hours recombining things and not get anything you hoped for. But fortunately, NPR (National Public Radio) enlightens us on a way out of this time-consuming dilemma:



“Pigs can become mixing pots for viruses to swap genes and mutate. Scientists say the gene-swapping that gave rise to the newly discovered swine flu virus happened 10 or 20 years ago … but until recently, the virus wasn’t able to spread among people. It acquired that ability only last year, when the older triple virus combined again with two other pig viruses that circulated in North American and Eurasian swine.” [179] No need for extravagant efforts; just let Nature do it for you. And who knew that pigs were “mixing-pots” for viruses?

“猪可以成为病毒交换基因和变异的混合盆。科学家说,导致新发现的猪流感病毒的基因交换发生在10年或20年前……但直到最近,这种病毒还不能在人与人之间传播。它只是在去年才获得了这种能力,当时老三重病毒再次与另外两种在北美和欧亚猪中传播的猪病毒结合。”[179] 不需要费力;让大自然为你做。谁知道猪是病毒的“混合盆”?


It is important to note that – also according to the NPR – “The virus may also be causing sickness in sub-Saharan Africa. However, Laurie Garrett, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (a medical expert if there ever was one) said they have no information because “public health officials only have good data from countries with strong public health systems”, and besides, countries “are no longer reporting [infections and deaths]”. This CFR medical expert also stated ominously that the virus “could cause as many as 90,000 deaths in the United States” alone. [180] In other words, this innocuous infection is sweeping the world and likely to kill huge numbers of Americans and, even though we have no facts or information to verify any of this, we are wildly speculating to drive up the public’s anxiety level and encourage them to get vaccinated.

值得注意的是,根据美国国家公共电台(NPR)的报道,“该病毒也可能在撒哈拉以南非洲地区引发疾病”。然而,美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)全球卫生高级研究员劳里·加勒特(Laurie Garrett)(如果有的话,他是一位医学专家)表示,他们没有信息,因为“公共卫生官员只有来自公共卫生体系强大的国家的有力数据”,此外,各国“不再报告(感染和死亡)”。这位CFR医学专家还警告说,仅在美国,该病毒“就可能导致多达9万人死亡”。[180]  换句话说,这种无害的感染正在席卷世界,可能会杀死大量美国人,尽管我们没有事实或信息来证实这一点,但我们仍在疯狂地猜测,以加剧公众的焦虑程度并鼓励他们接种疫苗。


The NPR and CFR cogitations may be correct. The NCBI tells us that pigs have “avian-like” viruses that are close to H1N1 viruses isolated in Europe and the H3N2 viruses isolated in Asia. Unfortunately, the sequences of these genes do not directly reveal the immediate source of the virus, but NCBI speculates that “The three parents of the virus may have been assembled in one place by natural means, such as by migrating birds“. [181] Sadly, it was not explained how a flock of Canada geese flying from Saskatchewan to Tijuana would arrange to stop in Bakersfield and “assemble” a group of viruses before proceeding on their journey. But let’s not spoil their story. However, pigs must have been involved somewhere in this mess, because Martha Nelson, an evolutionary biologist  at the US NIAID, said, “We learned a lot about pig farming [in researching this]”[182]

NPR和CFR的推测可能是正确的。NCBI告诉我们,猪的“禽样”病毒与欧洲分离的H1N1病毒和亚洲分离的H3N2病毒非常接近。不幸的是,这些基因的序列并不能直接揭示病毒的直接来源,但NCBI推测,“病毒的三个亲本可能是通过自然方式,如候鸟,在一个地方组装的”。[181] 遗憾的是,没有解释从萨斯喀彻温省飞到蒂华纳的一群加拿大鹅是如何安排在贝克斯菲尔德停留并“组装”的一组病毒在继续它们的旅程之前。但我们不要破坏他们的故事。然而,猪一定参与了这场混乱,因为美国NIAID的进化生物学家Martha Nelson说,“我们(在研究这一问题时)学到了很多关于养猪的知识”。  [182] A Media Extravaganza in Support of the Official Story — 支持官方故事的大规模媒体活动


President Obama at Homeland Security Council meeting in Cabinet Room to discuss the H1N1 flu May 1, 2009. Source



Reuters (who are shameless liars as bad as Wikipedia) did their best to put a bad face on this by claiming this influenza was “15 times deadlier” than officially admitted by health authorities. This was based on “a new study” by “an international group of scientists” who claimed that the WHO estimate of worldwide deaths at only 18,500, was in gross error and that “as many as 579,000 people” might have died. According to Reuters, all the other deaths were not counted because those people were “without access to a health system”[183] Dr. Fatimah Dawood of the US CDC, who led the study, said “This pandemic really did take an enormous toll”, without explaining how such a minor fatality rate equated to “an enormous toll”. But Fatimah did promote the encouragement of vaccines “in areas where the death toll is likely to be highest.” I want to note here that this Reuters article contained “Reporting by Sharon Begley and Editing by Michele Gershberg and Xavier Briand“.

路透社(他们是像维基百科一样无耻的骗子)尽其所能,声称这种流感比卫生当局正式承认的“致命15倍”,以此来掩饰这一点。这是基于“一个国际科学家小组”的“一项新研究”,该小组声称世界卫生组织估计的全球死亡人数仅为18500人,这是一个严重错误,“多达579000人”可能已经死亡。据路透社报道,所有其他死亡病例都没有被计算在内,因为这些人“无法使用卫生系统”。[183]博士。领导这项研究的美国疾病控制与预防中心的法蒂玛·达伍德表示,“这场疫情确实造成了巨大的损失”,但没有解释如此低的死亡率是如何等同于“巨大损失”的。但法蒂玛确实提倡“在死亡人数可能最高的地区”鼓励接种疫苗。我想在这里指出,路透社的这篇文章包含“Sharon Begley报道,Michele Gershberg和Xavier Briand编辑”。


To summarise the Official Story:



Part of this summary is inconclusive, since NPR and the NCBI are still arguing about whether it was the pigs or the migrating hummingbirds that collected several kinds of viruses from humans, birds, pigs, raccoons, probably skunks and porcupines, from Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and then “mixed” the viruses to form this deadly new strain. But the important thing is that investigators from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai were able to identify “the precise location in Mexico where a pig influenza virus jumped into humans.” It was on the pig farm of Hector Gonzalez, 30 Kms. from Guadalajara, in his pig sty #3 of 500 sq. meters (North-East corner) where it happened. One of his farm laborers, Speedy Gonzalez, was infected by one of the pigs, then traveled to the US where he infected at least 80 million Americans, then spread his virus to sub-Saharan Africa, killed 579,000 people, pausing just long enough to give the pharma companies $40 billion in revenue from selling needless vaccines that killed more people than did the virus.



Pandemrix, 2009 flu pandemic vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline. Big ampulla with purple cap contains antigen solution. Small ampulla with yellow cap contains immunologic adjuvant AS03 in a emulsion. Source



This last is not an idle claim. There were many reports of serious adverse reactions and deaths resulting from the swine flu vaccine. [184] The IBI Times published an article, “Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation“. “Peter Todd, a lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times: “There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.” Following the swine flu outbreak of 2009, about 60 million people, most of them children, received the vaccine. It was subsequently revealed that the vaccinePandemrixcan cause narcolepsy and cataplexy.” [185]

最后一项不是空谈。有很多关于猪流感疫苗引起严重不良反应和死亡的报道。 [184] 《IBI时报》发表了一篇文章,题为“猪流感疫苗造成脑损伤的英国受害者将获得6000万英镑赔偿”。代表许多索赔人的律师彼得·托德告诉《星期日泰晤士报》:“以前从未有过这样的案例。这种疫苗的受害者患有无法治愈的终身疾病,需要大量药物治疗。”2009年猪流感爆发后,约有6000万人接种了疫苗,其中大多数是儿童。随后发现,疫苗Pandemrix可导致嗜睡症和猝倒症。[185] The Actual Results — 实际结果


In the end, the CDC admitted that infections and mortality were “no higher than that of the yearly seasonal flu”. The CDC “estimated” around 7,000 deaths (other informed estimates were less than half that) and as many as 80 million infections – far less than a normal seasonal flu. The CDC tells us that “Estimating the number of individual flu cases in the United States is very challenging because people don’t seek medical care”. [186] Of course, the reason they don’t seek medical care is because they aren’t sick, but let’s not spoil the CDC’s story.



Then, no doubt with great shame, Wikipedia had to retract its original story: “There had also been speculation that the flu death toll in Mexico could be lower than first thought.” Note that the huge death tolls in Mexico were initially reported as fact in the media, while the actual facts of a very low death toll are now termed “speculation”This kind of playing with words is very common in the media and is very serious because it changes the meanings of words and distorts our understanding of events. Gerald Evans, head of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada, said there was a huge amount of speculation, and that “what seemed to be evidence of dozens and dozens of deaths”, in the end was people who died of other causes unrelated to influenza. [187] Another Canadian expert,Neil Rau, criticized the WHO’s decision to raise its pandemic alert to level 5, saying it was meant only to cause panic, not because a pandemic actually existed. CNN noted that in any individual week there had been at least 800 deaths in the U.S. due to normal influenza, which was much higher than the 150 total deaths worldwide from the swine flu up to that time.

然后,毫无疑问,维基百科非常羞愧地收回了它原来的故事:“也有人猜测墨西哥的流感死亡人数可能比最初想象的要低。”请注意,墨西哥的巨大死亡人数最初在媒体上被报道为事实,而死亡人数非常低的实际事实现在被称为“猜测”。这种玩弄文字的行为在媒体中非常常见,而且非常严重,因为它改变了文字的含义,扭曲了我们对事件的理解。加拿大医学微生物学和传染病协会负责人Gerald Evans表示,有大量猜测,“似乎有几十人死亡的证据”,最终是死于与流感无关的其他原因的人。[187] 另一位加拿大专家Neil Rau批评了世界卫生组织将疫情警报提高到5级的决定,称这只是为了引起恐慌,而不是因为实际上存在疫情。美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)指出,在任何一周内,美国都至少有800人死于正常流感,这远远高于当时全球死于猪流感的150人。 Possible or Probable Origin — 可能或可能的起源


A scientist holds up PCR tubes used for the analysis of the 2009 H1N1 (“swine flu”) outbreak.Andreas Rentz/Getty Images. Source

一位科学家拿着用于分析2009年H1N1(“猪流感”)爆发的PCR试管。Andreas Rentz/Getty Images。来源


Outside of the official story by the authorities, the virtually unanimous consensus among all other doctors, scientists, and even casual observers, was that this virus originated in a lab and was leaked. The only discussion was whether the leak was accidental or deliberate. “Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab”. [188] Shanta Zimmer and Donald Burke from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania wrote in the UK Independent, “One of the most likely routes for the release of the 1950s virus is that laboratory workers became infected accidentally and then infected families and friends.” [189] But if this occurred, we would have been able to identify a source, and we would have had a patient zero. And this version denies the existence of pigs and hummingbirds “mixing” the viruses, as well as eliminating Speedy Gonzalez.

除了当局的官方说法外,所有其他医生、科学家甚至临时观察员几乎一致的共识是,这种病毒起源于实验室并被泄露。唯一的讨论是泄漏是意外还是故意。 “顶尖科学家说,目前的猪流感爆发来自疫苗实验室” 。 [188] 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡大学的 Shanta Zimmer 和 Donald Burke 在英国独立报中写道,“释放 20 世纪 50 年代病毒的最可能途径之一是实验室工作人员意外感染,然后感染家人和朋友。” [189] 但是,如果发生这种情况,我们本可以确定一个来源,我们本可以有一个零号病人。这个版本否认了猪和蜂鸟“混合”病毒的存在,也排除了 Speedy Gonzalez。


An Australian researcher claimed the swine flu was not a natural mutation but a man-made product of genetic experiments leaked from a laboratory. [190] The British Medical Journal, Opinion section, reported that many mass media were speculating that the swine flu was a “man-made disaster”. The study in the New England Journal of Medicine said: “Careful study of the genetic origin of the (1977) virus showed that it was closely related to a 1950 strain, but dissimilar to influenza ‘A’ (H1N1) strains from both 1947 and 1957.” This finding suggested that the 1977 outbreak strain has been preserved since 1950. The re-emergence was probably an accidental release from a laboratory source. [191] And the Daily Mail ran an article titled, Swine flu pandemic caused by accidental leak from laboratory.” [192]

一位澳大利亚研究人员声称猪流感不是自然突变,而是实验室泄漏的基因实验的人为产物。[190] 《英国医学杂志》的观点部分报道说,许多大众媒体都在猜测猪流感是一场“人为灾难”。 《新英格兰医学杂志》的研究报告说:“对(1977年)病毒的基因起源进行仔细研究后发现,它与1950年的病毒株密切相关,但与1947年和1957年的流感‘A’(H1N1)毒株不同。”这一发现表明,1977年爆发的毒株自1950年以来一直被保存下来。再次出现可能是实验室来源的意外泄漏造成的。 [191] 《每日邮报》刊登了一篇题为“实验室意外泄漏引起的猪流感大流行”的文章。 [192] Criticisms of Officials and the Official Story — 对官员和官方故事的批评

To put the key question most crudely: was the world wrongly persuaded to believe it was in the grip of a ghastly and severe pandemic by decision-making bodies unduly influenced by pharmaceutical companies hoping to sell billions of dollars worth of vaccines and anti-viral drugs? A report just out from the Council of Europe has come to some devastating conclusions. Source



Forbes began an article with this gem: “The H1N1 swine flu outbreak appears to have ended less like the rogue wild boar that United Nations bureaucrats predicted and more like roasted pork tenderloin with apples and sage. From the beginning, the World Health Organization’s actions have ranged from the dubious to the flagrantly incompetent. (The Pandemic That Wasn’t; Henry I. Miller) [193]

福布斯以这样一段话开始这篇文章:“H1N1猪流感爆发似乎不像联合国官员预测的那样像流氓野猪,而更像烤猪里脊配苹果和鼠尾草。从一开始,世界卫生组织的行动就存在可疑之处,甚至可以说是公然无能。(《并非大流行;亨利·米勒》) [193]


“Ironically, one might even consider the emergence of the H1N1 flu during the past year a net public health benefit, since it appears to have suppressed, or at least supplanted, the far more virulent and lethal seasonal flu strains. During the second week of January, 3.7% of Americans tested positive for the seasonal flu, compared with 11.5% during the same week last year. The death toll in the U.S. from H1N1 is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be around 3,900, while in an average year seasonal flu kills about 36,000.” ABC Australia published a stinging rebuke of the entire affair. The article is very worth reading for all the inconvenient truths it contains: [194]



“Instead of accolades, the WHO and authorities everywhere are facing an avalanche of disturbing questions about the handling of the swine flu, and the influence of vested interests. To put the key question most crudely: was the world wrongly persuaded to believe it was in the grip of a ghastly and severe pandemic by decision-making bodies unduly influenced by pharmaceutical companies hoping to sell billions of dollars worth of vaccines and anti-viral drugs? A report just out from the Council of Europe has come to some devastating conclusions. The declaration of a pandemic lead to a “waste of huge sums of public money”, a “distortion of priorities” in public health services, the “provocation of unjustified fear” and the “creation of health risks through vaccines and medications” that may not have been sufficiently tested.” Unfortunately, the “the damming Council of Europe report” has been deleted from the Internet. The title was “Faked pandemics – a threat for health.”



“The report explains that the WHO definition of a “pandemic” was changed in May 2009, after the first cases of swine flu were reported. The change removed the requirement that a virus’s impact be severe, before a pandemic was declared. The report cites concerns within the scientific community that the WHO rapidly moved towards declaring “pandemic level 6” in June, 2009, when swine flu presented “relatively mild symptoms”. It went on to state that the declaration of the pandemic was only made possible by “changing the definition” and by “lowering the threshold for its declaration.” But it was this all-important declaration which triggered pre-pandemic planning that would prove highly lucrative to industry: pharmaceutical companies had a strong vested interest in the declaration of a pandemic” the report states. At the same time, the membership list of the WHO’s 16-member “Emergency Committee”, instrumental in declaring the pandemic, remains secret – a lack of transparency strongly attacked by the report.



A joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has uncovered evidence that raises troubling questions about how WHO managed conflicts of interest among the scientists who advised its pandemic planning, and about the transparency of the science underlying its advice to governments. Was it appropriate for WHO to take advice from experts who had declarable financial and research ties with pharmaceutical companies producing antivirals and influenza vaccines? Why was key WHO guidance authored by an influenza expert who had received payment for other work from Roche, manufacturers of oseltamivir, and GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of zanamivir? And why does the composition of the emergency committee from which Chan sought guidance remain a secret known only to those within WHO? We are left wondering whether major public health organisations are able to effectively manage the conflicts of interest that are inherent in medical science. Source



The British Medical Journal, (BMJ) published its own journalistic investigation, revealing that specialists with financial links to the drug industry were intimately involved in WHO pre-pandemic planning: Feature: Conflicts of Interest: WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”. “Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were preparing. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO, and WHO has dismissed inquiries into its handling of the A/H1N1 pandemic as “conspiracy theories.” My compliments to Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter who investigated this. [195]

《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)发表了自己的新闻调查,揭示了与制药行业有财务联系的专家密切参与了世界卫生组织大流行前的规划:特点:利益冲突:世界卫生组织和大流行性流感“阴谋”。“为世界卫生组织规划流感大流行提供咨询的主要科学家为制药公司做了有偿工作,这些制药公司将从他们准备的指导中获益。世界卫生组织从未公开披露这些利益冲突,世界卫生组织将对其处理甲型H1N1流感大流行的调查斥为“阴谋论”。”我向调查此事的黛博拉·科恩和菲利普·卡特致意。 [195]




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的全部档案可以在  +  

He can be contacted at:





[110] Project Bacchus

[110] 巴克斯项目

[111] Project Bacchus

[111] 巴克斯项目

[112] Secret project manufactured mock anthrax


[113] Next to Old Rec Hall, a ‘Germ-Making Plant’

[113] 在老 Rec Hall 旁边,有一个“细菌制造厂”


[114] Project Clear Vision

[114] 清晰愿景项目

[115] Project Jefferson

[115] 杰斐逊项目

[116] Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War

[116] 细菌:生物武器和美国的秘密战争

[117] Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War

[117] 细菌:生物武器和美国的秘密战争

[118] Review of GERMS: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War

[118] 《细菌武器:生物武器和美国的秘密战争》述评

[119] Weapons of mass hysteria: Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War


[120] Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War

[120] 细菌:生物武器和美国的秘密战争

[121] Germs: Biological Weapons And America’s Secret War

[121] 细菌:生物武器和美国的秘密战争

[122] The Wrong Man

[122] 错误的人

[123] Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit


[124] Man suspected in anthrax attacks said to commit suicide

[124] 炭疽袭击案嫌疑人据称自杀

[125] Police State America, Volume 2

[125] 警察国家美国,第2卷

[126] New Evidence Adds Doubt to FBI’s Case Against Anthrax Suspect


[127] Suicide of Anthrax Scientist Raises Questions


[128] Operation Gladio: CIA State-Sponsored Terror

[128] 格拉迪奥行动:中央情报局国家资助的恐怖主义

[129] Operation Northwoods — Targeting Terrorism Against American Citizens

[129] 诺斯伍德行动——打击针对美国公民的恐怖主义

[130] How Kodak Discovered the Atomic Bomb

[130] 柯达是如何发现原子弹的

[131] 1993 Four Corners hantavirus outbreak

[131] 1993年四角汉坦病毒爆发

[132] Doctors still trying to diagnose mysteries of hantavirus


[133] Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory

[133] 实验室257:政府秘密的李子岛细菌实验室的令人不安的故事

[134] Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory

[134] 实验室257:政府秘密细菌实验室的惊人故事

[135] Lab 257 : the disturbing story of the government’s secret Plum Island germ laboratory

[135] 实验室257:政府秘密的普拉姆岛细菌实验室的令人不安的故事

[136] Plum Island Animal Disease Center

[136] 普拉姆岛动物疾病中心

[137] Plum Island Animal Disease Center

[137] 普拉姆岛动物疾病中心

[138] Lyme Disease


[139] Lyme disease


[140] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 3 – The US Declares War on its own Military

[140] 美国政府向美国宣战——第三部分——美国向自己的军队宣战

[141] Lyme Disease


[142] US Government Admits Lyme Disease Is A Bioweapon


[143] Living Next Door To Plum Island; Lyme Disease – Denial of Treatment and Doctor Persecution

[143] 住在梅花岛隔壁;莱姆病——拒绝治疗和医生迫害

[144] U.S. bioweapon lab suspected of source of lyme disease: expert


[145] Lyme Bacterium Predates the U.S. Lab That Conspiracy Theorists Say Unleashed Ticks on Public

[145] 莱姆病菌早于美国实验室,阴谋论者称该实验室释放了蜱虫

[146] Did Lawmakers Demand the Pentagon Disclose If It Developed Weaponized Ticks?


[147] Pentagon May Have Released Weaponized Ticks That Helped Spread of Lyme Disease: Investigation Ordered


[148] Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons


[148a] Horowitz Agrees With Leahy: ‘West Nile Probable Bioattack’


[149] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 3 – The US Declares War on its own Military

[149] 美国政府向美国宣战——第三部分——美国向自己的军队宣战

[150] Disability among US Army Veterans vaccinated against anthrax


[151] Court ruling again stops anthrax shots for US soldiers


[152] GAO: Military anthrax shots caused many reactions, prompted some pilots to quit




[154] Gulf War Syndrome


[155] Gulf War Illnesses: Causes and Controversies

[155] 海湾战争疾病:原因和争议

[156] High frequency of systemic mycoplasmal infections in Gulf War veterans and civilians


[157] Chronic Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War Veterans’ Children


[158] ATCC

[158] ATCC标准菌株

[159] ATCC

[159] ATCC菌种

[160] The New West Nile Virus Epidemic … Bioterrorism Or Mother Nature?

[160] 新的西尼罗病毒疫情……是生物恐怖主义还是大自然母亲?

[161] OraVax Gets $3 Million Grant To Develop West Nile Vaccine

[161] OraVax获得300万美元资助,用于开发西尼罗河疫苗

[162] 2019–2020 vaping lung illness outbreak

[162] 2019-2020年电子烟肺病爆发

[163] US vaping illness deaths rise to 18 with 1,000 cases reported


[164] CDC claims 47 Americans are dead as a result of vaping

[164]疾病预防控制中心声称,有 47 名美国人因吸电子烟而死亡

[165] New CDC Report Provides First Analysis of Lung Injury Deaths Associated with Use of E-cigarette, or Vaping, Products

[165] 疾病预防控制中心新报告首次分析了与使用电子烟或电子雾化产品相关的肺损伤死亡情况

[166] Vaping illness, deaths likely very rare beyond U.S., experts say



[167] 2019–2020 vaping lung illness outbreak

[167] 2019-2020年电子烟肺病爆发

[168] Shutdown of the Fort Detrick laboratory before the outbreak of the disease was not a coincidence:


[169] Third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at Greenspring Village, Fairfax officials say

[169]费尔法克斯官员称,Greenspring Village爆发呼吸道疾病后,第三人死亡


[170] Outbreak Investigation at Assisted Living Facility in Springfield


[171] The suspicious Fort Detrick Base


[172] ‘Respiratory outbreak’ being investigated at retirement community after 54 residents fall ill


[173] Respiratory illness outbreak at retirement home kills 2 and sickens dozens more


[174] Mystery virus: What’s killing, hospitalizing residents at Greenspring retirement center?


[175] Cause of Respiratory Illness Still Unknown After Dozens Sickened at Virginia Retirement Community

[175] 弗吉尼亚退休社区数十人患病,呼吸道疾病病因仍未知

[176] Swine flu outbreak sweeps the globe

[176] 猪流感爆发席卷全球

[177] 2009 swine flu pandemic in the United States

[177] 2009 年美国猪流感大流行

[178] 2009 swine flu pandemic originated in Mexico, researchers discover

[178] 研究人员发现,2009 年猪流感大流行起源于墨西哥

[179] Q&A: Where Did The Swine Flu Come From?

[179] 问答:猪流感从何而来?

[180] Leaders In Medicine, Public Health Tackle Swine Flu

[180] 医学和公共卫生领域的领导者们正在努力应对猪流感

[181] From where did the 2009 ‘swine-origin’ influenza A virus (H1N1) emerge?


[182] The Hunt for a Pandemic’s Origins

[182] 寻找流行病起源

[183] 2009 swine flu outbreak was 15 times deadlier: study


[184] High Rates of Adverse Events Linked with 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Vaccine

[184] 2009 年 H1N1 大流行疫苗相关的不良事件发生率较高

[185] Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation


[186] CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases

[186] 疾病预防控制中心对2009年H1N1流感病例的估计

[187] 2009 swine flu pandemic in the United States

[187] 2009 年美国猪流感大流行

[188] Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab


[189] Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

Same strain of influenza was released by accident three decades ago

[190] Tamiflu Developer: Swine Flu Could Have Come From Bio-Experiment Lab

[190] 达菲研发者:猪流感可能来自生物实验实验室

[191] The Independent and the Daily Mail are worried that swine flu might be a man-made disaster. Was H1N1 leaked from a laboratory?


[192] Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab


[193] The Pandemic That Wasn’t

[193] 不是大流行

[194] Was the swine flu a fake pandemic?

[194] 猪流感是一场假疫情吗?

[195] WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”



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Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023

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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview