Saturday, April 25, 2020


·         EN -- A Message from Larry Romanoff – May 05, 2020
·         IT – Un Messaggio di Larry Romanoff – May 05, 2020
·         NL -- Een Bericht van Larry Romanoff -- 5 mei 2020
·         PT – Uma Mensagem de Larry Romanoff -- 05 de Maio de 2020
·         CATALÁN -- Un missatge de Larry Romanoff – Un canvi d’escenari --5 de maig de 2020
·         SP -- Un mensaje de Larry Romanoff – Un cambio de escenario  -- 5 de mayo de 2020
·         PT -- The US Government Declares War on America – April 16, 2020
·         PT - O Governo dos EUA declara guerra à América – April 16, 2020
·         PT - COVID-19: Toda a verdade tem três etapas – March 19, 2020
·         COVID-19: All Truth Has Three Stages – March 19, 2020
·         COVID-19 “Worldwide Epidemic of Biblical Proportions” – March 06, 2020
·         PT - Gaza: Assassínio de Crianças por Desporto March 12, 2020
·         Gaza: Murdering Children for Sport – March 12, 2020
·         State-Sponsored Commercial Espionage. The Global Theft of Ideas – February 28, 2020
·         PT - Uma História de Guerra dos EUA: Dresden, Alemanha – February 16, 2020  
·         PT - Sementes Geneticamente Modificadas: Concebidas como Armas – February 11, 2020
·         Genetically Modified Seeds: Conceived as a Weapon – February 11, 2020
·         PT - A Distribuição Geopolítica das Armas Biológicas – February 10, 2020
·         The Geopolitical Deployment of Biological Weapons – February 10, 2020  confirmar a data
·         Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview – February 07, 2020
·         Let’s Move the Goalposts. The US-China Confrontation – February 06, 2020
·         China’s Coronavirus – How the Western Media Spin the News – February 05, 2020
·         DE - Chinas neues Coronavirus: Eine Untersuchung der Fakten – February 04, 2020
·         PT - Novo coronavírus na China: um exame dos fatos  -- January 26, 2020
·         China’s New Coronavirus - An Examination of the Facts-- January 25, 2020
·         Factors Behind the Hong Kong-China Extradition Bill – January 21, 2020
·         My God and My Glock – The Theology of Guns in America – January 20, 2020
·         The Criminalisation of Protest in America – December 29, 2019
·         A Brief Introduction to Tibet – December 26, 2019
·         “America the Shrunken” – December 21, 2019
·         China’s YiWu: Business Models You’ve Never Even Heard of –December 15, 2019
·         Humanity at the Crossroads – December 15, 2019
·         The Planned 1933 Fascist Coup in America – December 08, 2019
·         Arbitrary Law Enforcement in the US – December 05, 2019
·         China’s High-Speed Trains – December 05, 2019
·         The Theology of Politics – December 04, 2019
·         The World’s Safest Cities – December 02, 2019
·         The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism – November 30, 2019
·         Spreading Democracy the American Way – November 29, 2019
·         The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest – November 27, 2019
·         Economic Upheaval and the Rise of the US Police State – November 22, 2019
·         Understanding China – November 20, 2019
·         US Economic Statistics: “Unreliable Numbers” – November 10, 2019
·         The School of the Americas – November 09, 2019
·         Substandard Education in America – November 08, 2019
·         Japan – Ending a War and Saving Lives? – November 04, 2019
·         God Save the Queen. The US Destruction of the British Empire – November 02, 2019
·         The CIA’s Greatest Hits – US Government Assassinations – November 01, 2019
·         A US War Story – November 01, 2019
·         US Interventions in Canada – A Brief History – October 20, 2019
·         What is the Difference between Capitalism and Socialism? – October 18, 2019
·         History of America’s Labor Movement – October 13, 2019



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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview